The city, just like we /
Begins its day with a routine /
Wiping the glass like rubbing our eyes,
In hope of a quiet, fresh start /
As if tranquility /
Could bring about a calm /
To our daily lives

A change of perspective as we go our ways /
From the height of the building to the shade of tree /
Imagination like a flightless bird, a flower in evergreen /
Runs unobstructed through traffic, smoke and leaves /
As we walk these meandering streets /
Searching, begging, yearning /
Some look for chaos /
Others for a chance to be free

Is there anywhere this pandemonium cannot reach?
A shelter from madness, an oasis where no one speaks?

We turn to art and to the elements /
For answers modernity could not bear to give /
With patterns sewn in glass

With hopes lost to the orange seas /
Our bad habits soar and give rise /
To violent voices and city screams /
Nobody knows what the future brings

Night is a creature of the dark /
All-encompassing and starry-eyed /
And just like animals, people seem to stir, bark- /
Hungry and parched, they stalk empty carparks /
For a chance to sit near the sea

They count streetlights and traverse balustrades like paths /
Watching the days light die /
Tasting the coastal air on their tongues

Why is it that only when we leave /
Can the cold air of this town /
Become a neon-coloured blaze /
Painted with a brilliant gleam /
Of a galaxy never before seen

And so we leave the lights on, a reminder of what's gone /
In our quest for tranquillity in the everyday /
We find the escape from this pandemonium /
Like a weed growing through pavement that's cracked /
In the lessons of resilience that nature gives /
We see that our own limits can be broken /
Only from within.